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The official

SMSQ/E logo, copyright W. Lenerz


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This page is not part of the official SMSQ/E source code or release, but it was thought that this here might be a good place to present the following information, files and data:

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SMSQL programming information

The SMSQ/E and QDOS Reference Guide, the main source of information about QDOS and SMSQ/E and programming them (in assembler) can be found on my general SMSQL site, in the Doumentation section.

Config Level 2 Ids

This page contains the actual registered CONFIG IDs for level 2 configuration blocks. You can check it to see whether a Config ID that you wish to use has not already been used, to avoid a config ID clash. Submit your request for reserving the Config IDs to me. This List is here.
If you wish to obtain more information about the standard Config mechanism, this can be found on my general SMSQL site, in the Doumentation section.

Basic Keywords Index

This page contains the names of the basic keywords that have been submitted to / collected by François Van Emelen and Bob Spelten. The purpose of this list is to avoid new keywords being made (by you) with the same name as those already here, so as to avoid clashes in the different toolkits.The list can be found here. (Attention, this is a pretty big file!).

Pointer Environment

This contains the latest Pointer Environment files. There are three files (Ptr_gen, wman and Hot_rext) that are zipped up into one single file.
If you wish to obtain more information about programming within the Extended Environment, the QPTR manual can be found on my general SMSQL site, in the Doumentation section.

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